
NRC Food and Outreach

Many of the things we do at the NRC would not be possible if it were not for our commercial kitchen and natural garden.

Opportunities made possible by the Kitchen and Garden:

  • Healthy Out-of-school Time Meals – Students learn how to prepare healthy meals and about their nutritional value. A hands-on experience for the kids and a hot meal for all.
  • Nutrition Education and Healthy Cooking Classes – Classes  cover the basics of nutrition education, how to choose and prepare foods so they retain their nutritional value. Classes are offered for the out-of-school time program and Jr. Iron Chef during summer camp.
  • Natural Gardening –We grow many of the ingredients that we use in the kitchen and offer to the public in the Food Pantry. We offer classes for youth and families in our learning garden. The garden is in an adjoining lot, where we grow fresh greens, various beans, root and vine vegetables.
  • Food Pantry – We deliver food pantry bags to Greater Fulton residents on the 3rd Friday of each month (or the 4th Friday on months that have 5 (five) Fridays.)
  • Pop-Up Dining experiences for the Fulton community. Various restaurants’ noted chefs and their staff members prepare and serve unique dinners for the public. Affordable pricing, a pleasant ambience and tasty meals make the evening one to remember for all who partake.

We are looking for new youth site partners to expand our program!

Contact us to discuss enrolling your site into our after school and daycare feeding program. Email us at or call us at 804-864-5797 today!

We are grateful for support in building the café and garden from:

  • Mid-Atlantic Regional Council of Carpenters: United Brotherhood of Carpenters Local-388 and Millwrights Local-1402
  • Leadership Metro Richmond
  • Bon Secours
  • Millie’s Diner
  • The Morgan, Scott, Gwathmey and Community Foundations
  • SMBW Architects
  • Tricycle Gardens
  • Truland Electric Systems