Message from the Executive Director

“In dark times we grow towards the light.”


I took this position at Neighborhood Resource Center because I wanted to be able to merge my work as a community organizer with my professional career–giving back to a neighborhood and city that I have loved for most of my life. Like you, I had no way to know that just a few months later we would be facing a worldwide pandemic. I would love to say that the last four years have been easy, but it has been really hard!

We have been through tremendous organizational shifts that often felt like earthquakes, but were all necessary to respond to community needs. There were many days when I was not sure if NRC Fulton would survive the pandemic, but we have thrived!

Your compassionate support helped us get to this point.

In my interview for this role, I emphasized to the NRC Fulton Board of Directors that my primary goal in my first year of employment was to raise enough funds to restore health insurance to full time employees and provide salary improvements to all staff. Thanks to your generous donations we reached that goal, but we still have more to do. One of NRC Fulton’s core principles is that we will “practice and promote economic justice by paying a living wage for all NRC jobs.” Our capacity to reallocate resources to community members is impacted by our ability to sustain our staff, so we rely on your continued support.

NRC Fulton realigned our operations with an emphasis on following all of our core principles during the first two years of the pandemic. We have remained focused on the bright light that exists within the community members in our neighborhood. It has been one of the greatest honors of my life to work to reflect that light back out into the rest of the world. It is my hope that all of us are able to do the same in the neighborhoods where we live and work.

Please continue to stay engaged in support of NRC Fulton and the community members that live in Greater Fulton and east Henrico County.

We are all connected, thanks to you.

In Solidarity & Gratitude, 

Breanne (pronounced: bre ɪn)