Credit Building 101

Want to build your credit?

We are excited to announce that we are launching a new series of workshops focused on credit building! We are offering Credit Building 101: Building Credit As An Asset on a recurring basis as part of our financial education through the NRC WORKS program.

This training is made possible because of our membership and training that we’ve received from the Credit Builders Alliance. CBA was created by and for its nonprofit members as a bridge to the modern credit reporting system to help millions of individuals with poor or no credit participate in the mainstream financial system by building credit.

This three-part course teaches credit building fundamentals, corrects
common misconceptions, and provides actionable credit building strategies to
participants. Members must commit to take all three workshops. Incentives are available for members upon completion of the full course.

Why are we using this approach?
Credit is deliberately complicated and can be hard to understand. Each course builds on the one before and puts the power of credit building directly into our members’ hands.

Offered in a three part series–

Beginner’s Credit

You’ll learn:

  1. how to set credit-focused SMART goals,
  2. how to read your credit report,
  3. and how credit can be an asset.

Get The Good Stuff Going

You’ll learn:

  1. practical ways you can build credit,
  2. and how to identify which credit
    building products you may wish to

Deal With Debt & Make Credit Building Count

You’ll learn:

  1. how debt impacts your credit file,
  2. how to build credit,
  3. and how to assess your knowledge and
    identify next steps.

Call or email us today to register–804-864-5797 or